leggo my obento! the bento blog

Teriyaki Salmon Bento
November 11, 2015, 11:46 am
Filed under: Beef, Bento, Fish | Tags:

My lovely wooden bento box just showed up yesterday so I was super excited about packing lunch today. I had a nice wooden one when I used to pack bento lunches back when I lived in Seattle, but it disappeared when we moved recently. I found this wooden bento box by KOSOX on Amazon. It’s made in China and has a finish on it. My original box was unfinished. I prefer the finish because it makes it less susceptible to staining. In any case, I use a sheet of parchment paper in my wooden bento boxes. I prefer wood because the bento stays moist but it can still breathe and the steam tends to absorb into the wood. I also think there’s something aesthetic and romantic about it.

Teriyaki Salmon Bento

Teriyaki Salmon Bento 

Teriyaki Salmon, Tamagoyaki, Simmered Kabocha, Chrysanthemum Turnip, Stir Fried Mushrooms and Turnip Greens with Shirasu, all of these are placed over steamed rice mixed with a bit of black sesame seed, and some orange slices for dessert.

My husband is a pickier eater than me, so I am working on things for him that are simple. The base formula for his bento are a meat, a vegetable, a starch, and a fruit. In contrast, the base formula for mine are a protein, 2 vegetables, 1 salad or pickle, and a starch.

Hamburger and Asparagus Bento

Hamburger and Asparagus Bento

Blanched Asparagus with Japanese Mayo, Hamburger with Glaze, Rice with Sesame Gomasio, and some orange slices for dessert.

Miso Pork and Sauteed Vegetables Bento
November 9, 2015, 4:11 pm
Filed under: Pork | Tags:
Miso Pork and Sauteed Vegetables Bento

Miso Pork and Sauteed Vegetables Bento

Chrysanthemum Turnip; Persimmon; Miso Pork Chop; Sauteed Eggplant, Bell Pepper, and Kabocha Squash; Homemade Ginger Kimchee; Onigiri with Umeboshi paste and Shiso

When I was in Tokyo, I picked up a few Onigiri for the airplane. They had these clever plastic wrappers around the nori such that you pulled the corners in a certain order and voila, crispy nori on your Onigiri! I was so shocked to find these on Amazon, I just had to order them to try them out. They turned out to be really easy to use and super handy. I highly recommend these if you like making Onigiri for your lunch.